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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values; or participates in an action that goes against one of these three, and experiences psychological stress because of that. According to this theory, when two actions or ideas are not psychologically consistent with each other, people […]
Toate activitățile de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personal desfășurate în cadrul sau în legătură cu site-ului sunt în acord cu prevederile Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679 privind protecţia persoanelor fizice în ceea ce priveşte prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal şi privind libera circulaţie a acestor date şi de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE (Regulamentul general privind protecţia datelor) […]
National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would […]
Follow Dr. Rashid A. Buttar: https://www.CentersForAdvancedMedicin... Sub to Gary’s NEW Podcast on YouTube here: Sub to Gary’s original YouTube Channel here:… Sub to the Next News Youtube Channel here: Check out Gary’s Kid’s YouTube channel here: Get on our Email list! Rashid A. Buttar, graduated from Washington […]